Electric cars can be environmentally friendly and economically responsible, but they're not necessarily known for being flashy. Volvo is now trying to change that by introducing a new portable electric charger for your car.
The stately charger, which looks a bit like a futuristic flower, has an inner lattice-work which is filled with solar panels to catch the sun at every angle, thus recharging your automobile. The charger can fill a depleted battery in 12 hours.
The charger is completely portable, and weighs as much as a standard tent. Due to its material, it can be folded up in minutes.
The Swedish car company teamed up with engineers from SDA to create the charger, and they're planning to have the device ready to show by September. The charger was the winning model of the 2013 "Switch to Pure Volvo Pavillion Design Competition."
The V60 is Volvo's newest plug-in Hybrid, featured in the video above, under the charger. The car can reportedly reach around 155 miles to the gallon using a combined electric and diesel engine. However, the Hybrid won't be available in the United States until 2014.