If you think that it is time to change or upgrade your camera, then here is an option..

The Nikon D7000 is recommended to anyone, but especially to photographers who are either tired of the lack of functions on their point and shoot or who need something more than the low-end DSLR they currently own. Besides for buying new lenses, shifting up to the larger body is the best step anyone can take.
The advantage:Excellent picture quality with decent ISO sensitivity
Great feel, design, and superbly easy to use
Perfect for someone with some knowledge of photography stepping up from a low-end DSLR or high-end point and shoot
The unfavorablePhoto dump is a little slow; too easy to accidentally lose shots
Liveview doesn’t show settings, proper image as it will appear
Video quality is good, but focus is weak and unsteady
The offer: The best high-end consumer grade DSLR you can buy