Sony Xperia™ U is giving another experience in power, fantasy, moments, and beats.

Experience power. The Android way.
Download and run your apps and content super fast.
Browse the internet. Stream the latest video clips. Download the coolest apps. Run them super fast with the power of the 1GHz Dual core Processor. Find your way with Google maps. Send your love by Gmail. Your Sony Xperia U Android smartphone has Google Mobile services built in.

Experience fantasy. In great quality on-screen.
Watch every moment from every movie or video in razor sharp clarity.
See every smile from last year’s party in a true detail. Sheer video magic on your Android mobile’s 3.5″ Reality Display powered by the Mobile BRAVIA® Engine. And you can easily find the latest Hollywood blockbusters on the pre-loaded Video Unlimited application from Sony Entertainment Network.

Experience moments. Just snap away.
Capture sunsets, waves and spectacular dives. Fire off the shots.
With the 5 megapixel fast capture camera you can go from sleep to snap in just over a second. Fancy something more moving? Film it all in full HD video with your Sony Xperia U Android mobile phone.

Experience beat. In 3D surround sound.
Blast out the music through the speaker with xLoud loudness enhancement.
Fancy some movie “me time”? Get it with 3D surround sound. Plug in your earphones and sit back and listen as the deep bass and high treble shoot around your head.
Experience power. The Android way.
Download and run your apps and content super fast.
Browse the internet. Stream the latest video clips. Download the coolest apps. Run them super fast with the power of the 1GHz Dual core Processor. Find your way with Google maps. Send your love by Gmail. Your Sony Xperia U Android smartphone has Google Mobile services built in.
Experience fantasy. In great quality on-screen.
Watch every moment from every movie or video in razor sharp clarity.
See every smile from last year’s party in a true detail. Sheer video magic on your Android mobile’s 3.5″ Reality Display powered by the Mobile BRAVIA® Engine. And you can easily find the latest Hollywood blockbusters on the pre-loaded Video Unlimited application from Sony Entertainment Network.
Experience moments. Just snap away.
Capture sunsets, waves and spectacular dives. Fire off the shots.
With the 5 megapixel fast capture camera you can go from sleep to snap in just over a second. Fancy something more moving? Film it all in full HD video with your Sony Xperia U Android mobile phone.
Experience beat. In 3D surround sound.
Blast out the music through the speaker with xLoud loudness enhancement.
Fancy some movie “me time”? Get it with 3D surround sound. Plug in your earphones and sit back and listen as the deep bass and high treble shoot around your head.